We love our Barred Plymouth Rocks! Although not a rare breed, we have had such great feedback on our line of these girls that we decided to continue them. "Barred Rocks" are docile, gentle, super friendly, do great in mixed flocks, and are great producers, laying around 5-6 eggs per week! They are a heritage breed and sometimes the eggs can look peach or pink! (not all hens). These girls are winter hardy and they also handle the heat well. Their lifespan is 6-8 years, but they can live longer if well cared for. Another good thing about Plymouth Rock hens is that they lay well into the winter months (after fall molt), when most birds see their egg production decline due to the weather. This breed is GREAT for beginners, those with children, and those that want a pretty and easygoing friendly hen who will give prolific eggs. Everyone should have a least one!
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