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No, these are not Ayam Cemani's, they are better!!  These stunning Easter Eggers belongs to a unique sub-group of chickens bred for Fibromelanosis (hyperpigmentation-- a genetic mutation that causes increased melanin), similar to the Ayam Cemani breed, except these girls have MUCH prettier eggs thanthe Ayam Cemani's cream eggs! These Fibro Easter Egger Hens lay 4-5 eggs colored eggs per week, and a hen can lay colors ranging from olive green to turquoise blue and occasionally rose or peachy brown (a hen will not 'switch' colors so if you get a hen that lays blue, she will always lay blue).  The Fibro Easter Eggers have dark feathering, skin, or features. The degree of black feathers with Fibro Easter Eggers will vary, but the skin, legs, and lobes will all be blac k. These girls are calm and docile, and cold AND heat-hardy, perfect for Colorado!  A stunning, unique sweet hen with impressive colored egg production, and always a conversation starter!

FIBRO EASTER EGGER- Blue, Green, Pink Egg Colors

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