"3 French hens"....Yes, these are the girls from the Christmas song! Although referred to as "French Hens," the exact name of the breed is Houdan, a very old French breed that originated in Houdan, France. The color we carry are "Mottled" (the other color is white which we do not carry). These girls are stunning, and are on the rarer side, with a "critical" conservation status. They have an unusual butterfly-shaped comb and are one of few breeds to have five toes. Houdans are very good egg layers (180-240 medium- large white eggs/yr), they bear confinement well, are non-sitters, so if you have a small yard they are ideal. The Houdan is known to be exceptionally gentle, an excellent choice for urban farmers and are great for children. Houdans also lay well into the winter months, so you will get French Hen eggs when other breeds have stopped for the year. These girls are gorgeous with their large plume of feathers and black and white color. They are a FULL SIZED BREED! Their sweet temperment makes them a good option for beginners. They do well in heat and cold as long as their crest is kept dry in the winter. If you take good care of your French Hens, they can live to be 5-8 years or older.
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