Isbars! The Isbar (Silverrudd) is a rare breed, and one of the breeds to NATURALLY lay green eggs. Roughly 20% of hens lay some form of speckles on their green eggs, making a stunning basket. Isbars are a heritage breed that come in 3 colors; blue, black, and splash. The hens are EXCELLENT producers laying around 250 large green eggs/yr! Isbars are cold hardy and continue to lay in the cold months (but do stop during molt). Their beautiful eggs vary in color from mint to moss green, sometimes with a speckled overlay. Isbars are calm and docile, making them great for backyard flocks. They are friendly and curious and enjoy human interaction but they won't love to be held. They will follow you around to see what you are up to, and they come for treats every time! This breed is great at foraging and is predator-aware so they can do well in a free-range flock. Isbars are very hardy to both the cold and the heat. They are small framed, sleek feathered birds. Ours have fared very well through some bitterly cold weather - as low as -20f.
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