The most coveted and one of the most rare colors of Orpingtons is the JUBILEE. Gorgeous colors and a wonderful tempermat. The Jubilee Orpington was developed in 1897 and named in honor of the celebration of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee when the Queen was presented with a flock of these stunning Orpingtons. Like all Orpingtons, the Jubilees are calm and gentle and are kid-friendly and a patient breed. These docile girls also enjoy being petted and can easily become lap chickens. The fluffy, beautiful Jubilees are one of the largest breeds, with typical Orpington full bodies and fluffy butts. Their spectacular and complex feather pattern takes up to 18 mths to mature in color (they start laying at 22 weeks). They love to eat and are cold-hardy – thanks to their densely feathered bodies! They need cool water and shade to keep them from heat stroke in very hot summer temperatures. The docile nature of Jubilee Orpingtons makes them prone to bullying by more aggressive breeds even though they are large in size. The Jubilees are known to be good egg layers but may not lay eggs before they are 22 weeks old. Their eggs are cream to light brown and even can be slightly pink in tone – which is a lighter egg coloring than most Orpingtons. The size of the egg is large. Expect 160+ eggs per year from your lovely Jubilee.
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