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A rare stunning lavender color!  These girls are NOT bantams, and are NOT giant/Lg Cochins, they are regular sized hens, so they can go in with a regular flock (top out just under 8lbs). Its not easy to find this lovely color in a regular sized Cochin.  Cochins are round, fluffy, beautiful, and friendly. They’re covered with unusually soft and fluffy feathers from their heads to their toes. Yep, even their legs and feet are feathered! These hens look a bit like fluffballs that dodder around the yard. The best word to describe the temperament of Cochins is delightful. They are calm, friendly, docile, and sweet. Cochins like attention and can be easily handled and tamed and are remarkably gentle with children. They are one of the best breeds you can get for young kids. Cochin roosters are one of the mellowest and friendliest breeds of rooster out there. Like hens, they tend to be very social with people and very calm. Cochins ARE good egg layers when they’re laying (they can go broody), and will give 2-4 LARGE brown eggs per week, and are unusual in that they can still lay for most of the winter (about 110 eggs/year). They can take longer than most breeds to start laying. Many don’t lay eggs until around 6 months. Other Considerstions: Cochins are too heavy to fly—that makes them sitting ducks for predators. That said, they do well in confinement. Because they are heavy, they may also need a shorter roosting bar, and will need a ramp to get into a coop. They also tend to suffer from heat stroke quicker than smaller, less feathered breeds so plenty of shade and cool water is needed in summer.


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