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*VERY LIMITED* This breed has it all. Seriously. They lay alot of pastel blue eggs, are an arresting platinum lavender color, are sexable as day-old chicks, and many sport a fabulous crest.  The Opal Legbar is essentially the same as the Crested Cream Legbar except in a stunning lavender color. This is the breed for you if you want females that can be identified by feather color at hatch,and a hen that will yield blue to green eggs, and an excellent layer (~210 eggs/year). Opals are one of a few breeds that are autosexing--the male and female chicks are visibly different at hatch.  These girls do well in Colorado and have the same traits as the Cream Crested Legbars.  A must have for a rare color to a backyard flock.  Added bonus-- pastel blue eggs!


The lavender color is unique, and differs from the typical blue poultry color. This color will breed true and is caused by the action of a dilutive autosomal recessive gene which reduces the expression of eumelanin and phaeomelanin so that black areas of the plumage appear silver instead, and red areas appear as golden highlights.  


OPAL (Pearl) LEGBAR- Blue Eggs- Ultra Rare

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