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*VERY LIMITED* These rare girls from Spain are a must have if you like the very dark copper egg color. The egg color is sometimes called a dark terracotta. Penedesencas lay some of the darkest brown eggs you will see. Still rare, the "partridge" color of Penedesenca (PENNE-DE-SAN-KUH) hens have dark, double-penciled feathers. The hens are very heat tolerant and are good layers of medium to large-sized dark chocolate/terracotta red eggs.  These girls are NOT broody. They have a unique carnation comb which starts as a single comb in the front, but parts into showy lobes at the rear. The combs may lay to one side, like a scarlet rose tucked behind one ear. Their legs are a lovely slate blue. These birds are very active, and like most Mediterranean breeds do wonderfully in heat. In Colorado winters they do fine with a solid coop.  Mine have done very well with no heat in my insulated coop.  They are good producers and you can expect 4-6 very dark brown eggs per week.  While these girls are beautiful and produce show-stopping egg color, do not expect this breed to be a lap chicken.  They are more on the independent side, and may not come up to you or like to be handled, they do very well on free-range. 


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