Cant chance a Roo, and want lovely hens with high production? Look no further. One hatch only, our PREMIUM Breed Autosexing pack. These breeds you can tell sex at hatch based on feather (fuzz) color. FOUR female started chicks 1 week old. One hatch only for 2025! An extra bonus, the Welbars, and the Silver Bielefelder are super friendly breeds. The Legbars and Swedish 55's are friendly, but generally won't be lap chickens. The Swedish 55's, Silver Bielefelder and Welbar are prolific layers, and will lay into winter. These are wonderful, rare breeds. Following Breeds in the autosexing pack;
1 Swedish 55 Flowery Hen (Jumbo White Eggs)
1 Cream Legbar (Large Blue Eggs)
1 Welbar (Large Chocolate Eggs)
1 SILVER Bielefelder (Pinky/Peachy Eggs)
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