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STARTED PREMIUM FEMALE CHICKS- the hardest part is done!  1-2 WEEK OLDS. FOUR DIFFERENT COLORFUL LAYER PREMIOUM BREED STARTED CHICKS (See below). This package includes premium breeds.  (Note the picture above is actual LC Farm Eggs from some of these hens--thank you to our longtime client Charlotte!)


BLUE EGG COLOR BREEDS-  Splash Ameraucana OR Blue Ameraucana OR Lavender Ameraucana OR Super Blue OR FIBRO Easter Egger   *Splash Ameraucana line we offer won 2023 DOUGLAS COUNTY GRAND CHAMPION

CHOCOLATE EGG COLOR BREEDS- Blue Splash Maran OR Golden Maran OR Lavender Maran OR Penedesenca (penne-de-sanka)

PINKY EGG COLOR BREEDS-  Blue Laced Red Wyandotte OR Mottled Java OR Splash Australorp OR Croad Langshen (* pinky egg color common in these breeds but not 100%--its genetics!) 

GREEN EGG COLOR BREEDS- F4 Wheaten Olive Egger OR SIlverudd Isbar (isbars come in 3 feather colors, blue, splash and black your choice based on availability) OR FIBRO Easter Egger OR F2 Olive Egger (various feather colors)


No substitutions beyond choices listed here. Based on availability, choice of blue, green, and pink egg layer and chocolate layer offered, when multiple breeds are available and at similar ages. **Only 1 Fibro Easter Egger/pack- Fibro's can give Blue, Green, or Pinky color eggs. Most have been yielding blue.

PREMIUM Rainbow Pack- 4 Female Started Premium Chicks- Colorful Layers

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