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The perfect breed in a very rare color.  The Silver Bielefelder is a sweetheart of a a hen, a lovely silver color, and this breed is autosexing so you can tell male from female by color as chicks!  


The Bielefelders lay some of the largest brown tint eggs of any breed. Expect  around 230 eggs per year (4 eggs+ per week). The eggs are a beautiful shade, which often contains pink undertones and is distinct in appearance from other chicken breeds. This breed is large with hens normally weighing between 6 to 7 pounds. Hens are also unusual in that despite their large size they are extremely gentle, and you can remove the eggs from under the hens without being pecked. Since they do tend to be very calm and docile, they do sometimes tend to be not as energetic, and are not flighty. They also don't tend to roost very high and due to their larger size, we recommend that you keep their perches lower so that when they jump off they are not at risk of injuring themselves. They enjoy space to roam and they will happily forage for grass, bugs, seeds, and any other tasty treat they can find.  This breed needs more Vitamin E in their diet than other breeds. So a vitamin supplement or foods naturally high in vitamin E are recommended for optimum health. A few foods that are naturally high in vitamin E are; dark, leafy greens (like spinach, swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, and beet greens), sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and butternut squash. 

SILVER BIELEFELDER(!)- Prolific & Winter Layer- Family Friendly- Autosexing

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