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Swedish Flower Hens are a rare stunning breed from Sweden.  These girls are a “Landrace” breed, meaning they were cultivated over time with natural environment changes, NOT specific breeding. This unique heritage is part of what makes these girls so hardy.  Swedish Flower Hens lay a tinted brownish egg which looks peachy and produce around 180-200 eggs/year. This breed is also referred to as “Blommehona” the Swedish "bloom hen."  They  are truly amazing with their vast variety of feathers and an unusual mild temperament. Swedish Flower Hens are very gentle and very docile, they are excellent foragers and love to free range. However, these birds also love human interaction and could become a pet very quickly.  Great for beginners! Swedish Flowers come in a mix of colors ranging from red, yellow, black, and even blue. Some of the birds have a slight crest at the top of their heads and others do not. Swedish Flowers generally have whitish spots at the tips of their feathers, giving them a speckled (or flowered) appearance. They are friendly, docile, and cold hardy, making them an exceptional choice. Girls may start laying at 17 weeks.  Egg size will increase in the 2nd year. These girls can live up to 10 years!  WONDERFUL and special breed.


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